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    Counter-Strike 1.6 - -=*MoTo*=-
    [ Privātās vēstules() · Jaunas vēstules · Dalībnieki · Foruma noteikumi · Meklēšana · RSS ]
    • Lappuse 1 no 1
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    Counter-Strike 1.6
    Cronat Datums: Ceturtdiena, 12.03.2009, 22:04 | Posti # 1
    Posti: 90
    Reputācija: 54
    Statuss: Offline
    Tiem kas to vel nezin!!
    Adminstratoriem kuri grib ko mainiit serveri.. Iesaku (admin mod)
    P.s. Šitie visi brīnumi strādā tikai tad ja serverī viņi ir ielikti.

    admin_help Displays information about available commands
    admin_ban [] Bans target. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.
    admin_cancelvote Cancels the current hlds_ld vote
    admin_cfg Executes config file on server.
    admin_chat Shows message only to other admins.
    admin_csay Shows message in center of screen.
    admin_denymap Removes all votes for map.
    admin_disco Starts disco fever. Fun mode only.
    admin_enableallweapons Allows all weapons to be purchased. Use to remove all active weapon restrictions.
    admin_enableequipment Allows all equipment to be purchased. Use to remove all active equipment purchase restrictions.
    admin_enablemenu Remove restriction from specified menu.
    admin_enableweapon Remove restriction from specified weapon.
    admin_execall Force everyone to execute command.
    admin_execclient Force target to execute command.
    admin_execteam Force everyone on team to execute command.
    admin_fraglimit Sets the mp_fraglimit cvar.
    admin_friendlyfire Sets the mp_friendlyfire cvar.
    admin_fun <"on" | "off"> Turns fun mode on or off.
    admin_gag [] Gag target. 0 minutes is a permanent gag.
    admin_glow Causes you to glow that color.
    admin_godmode <"on" | "off"> Sets godmode on target.
    admin_gravity Sets the sv_gravity cvar.
    admin_hostname Sets the hostname cvar.
    admin_kick [] Kicks target.
    admin_listmaps Shows maps in mapcycle.
    admin_listspawn Lists all spawned entities.
    admin_llama Llama-fy target.
    admin_map Changes map.
    admin_messagemode Will treat 'say' as command.
    admin_movespawn Moves a spawned item.
    admin_nextmap Shows next map in cycle.
    admin_noclip <"on" | "off"> Sets noclip on target.
    admin_nomessagemode Will treat 'say' as 'say'.
    admin_nopass Clears the server's password.
    admin_pass Sets the server's password.mp_kickpercent x
    admin_pause Sets the pausable cvar to 1.
    admin_psay Sends a private msg to target.
    admin_rcon Executes rcon command.
    admin_reload Reloads Admin Mod files.
    admin_removespawn Removes a spawned item.
    admin_restrictallweapons Disallow purchase of all weapons on server
    admin_restrictequipment Disallow purchase of all equipment on server
    admin_restrictmenu Disallow purchase of anything from specified menu
    admin_restrictweapon Disallow purchase of specified weapon
    admin_say Shows a message from you as admin.
    admin_servercfg Sets the config file as the server's default.
    admin_slap Slaps target.
    admin_slay Slays target.
    admin_slayteam Slays everyone on team.
    admin_spawn Spawns a new item.
    admin_ssay Shows a message from admin without identification.
    admin_stack Will stack everyone on top of you.
    admin_startvote Starts an hlds_ld vote.
    admin_teamplay Sets the mp_teamplay cvar.
    admin_teleport Teleports target to the given coordinates. See admin_userorigin.
    admin_timeleft Shows the time left.
    admin_timelimit Sets the mp_timelimit cvar. Value = minutes.
    admin_tsay [color] Prints msg on lower right of screen.
    admin_unban Unbans target.
    admin_ungag Ungag target.
    admin_unllama Unllama-fy target.
    admin_unpause Sets the pausable cvar to 0.
    admin_userlist [] Shows a list of users.
    admin_userorigin Returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of target.
    admin_vote_kick Starts a vote to kick target.
    admin_vote_map Starts a vote to change the map.
    admin_vsay Presents question as a vote.
    say rockthevote Starts an hlds_ld vote.
    say glow Causes you to glow that color. Fun mode only.

    • Lappuse 1 no 1
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    Jauna atbilde
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